因为不能够做人体试验,所以人类对记忆的认知依然是非常有限的,而且即便是产生了认知,也很难最终和计算机的记忆能力相提并论,在我看来,记忆能力是人类和计算机之前的根本差别之一,就好像 Google 可以记住全世界所有网页的内容,而人类是不可能做到的
有一种被称为 Flashbulb 的记忆形态,在 9/11 的时候被记忆学者进行了许多的研究:
The resulting set of data contained responses from more than 3,000 people in seven cities. Following up with those same people one year and three years later, the researchers found a decline in flashbulb memory accuracy that gradually leveled off after year one. In the first year, people’s memories were consistent with the initial responses only 63 percent of the time. After that, however, they only lost 4.5 percent of their accuracy per year.
如果你想提升自己的记忆能力,则可以看一下这个 Ted 视频:
关于艾宾浩斯遗忘曲线,则可以阅读 Ebbinghaus Hermann 的 Memory: A contribution to experimental psychology