There is an old Chinese saying: “live to old, learn to old”, it implies the importance of learning at whatever age you are. I am so happy to be a learner in the English world right now compared to being a learner in the Chinese world many years ago
- Wikipedia. One can simply trust the information on Wikipedia is correct, the enormous contents of Wikipedia are like a knowledge network connecting information all over the world
- Google search. Most of the time, you can find some clues from Google about the field you are learning, simple and clear, without ads. and manipulations
- YouTube videos. For some concepts quite complicated, searching on YouTube is always a good option, more or less, you can have some clues
- Classes and books. To learn things systematically, taking classes and reading books are the best methods, and MIT OpenCourseWare and online libraries can always help you find what you want
- Papers. To one without good education background, it’s hard to fetch an account to visit all papers from an account of a university, so Sci-Hub is a good way to help you read all papers online, thank goodness
- People. It’s easy to find someone to be your learning mate online, make new friends, and be teachers and students from each other