I never thought my mathematical self-study process would be so satisfied to me in recent half year, so I write it down and share with myself for next stage learning someday in the future
I learn mathematics for understanding the formulas in papers, without which I can’t fully understand what some of the papers talk about, thanks for the progress of internet, I can self-study mathematics from scratch, and start to read paper with many formulas
Some tips for mathematical self-study:
- Write study notes as more as you can. Find any topics you curious, whether they are big or small, just write study notes about them, this method bake small bricks of knowledge and ultimately rise up a building
- Learn basic of mathematics. Set theory and Mathematical logic are the basic of mathematics, this two fields are important to fully understand mathematics, any chance you encounter, find books and read
- Learn basic of applied mathematics. I learn mathematics for reading paper of statistics, informatics, computer science and computational chemistry, there are three fields are especially useful, calculus, geometry and linear algebra, which are covered by my most recommend two books, No bullshit guide to math and physics and No bullshit guide to linear algebra
- Some YouTube channels you can trust: 3Blue1Brown, Numberphile, Mathologer, I learned so many from all of them, they are not just shareing mathematical knowledge, but creating new direction of high level mathematical education
- Read book and paper. I use this website to download ebook and use sci-hub to download paper, both are very efficient to find materials you want to learn, follow this mathematical map, learn the fields you interested one by one: