Check-in is one of the best methods that can help you save a lot of energy, and it’s totally free, I like it and have used it a lot for many years
In the beginning, I was reluctant to use this method because I thought my self-motivation and self-propulsion system could train self-driven, but the result is, if the tasks are really dull and quickly accumulated, then the consumption of energy would out of your control, you either gave it up, or affect to other regular tasks
Find a good friend, promise to him/her, then start Check-in through a chat App, or find some friends and create a group, check-in for the same goals, both are very helpful
Choose check-in software can easily do the screenshot, right now my daily check-in is through Anki and, with the help of this screenshot addon of Chrome:
Daily check-in and weekly check-in are highly recommended, to keep a good pace and balance