
4 min readAug 13, 2018





在读 Peter Drucker 的 Adventures of a Bystander 的时候,有一段是关于我偶像 Michael Polanyi 的描述:

The couple had five children: two boys, Otto and Adolph; one girl, Mousie (she must have had another name but no one ever heard it or used it); then two more boys, Karl and Michael. As soon as each of the children reached school age, he or she was taken to a castle their father had bought for them in the middle of an enormous wheat plantation miles from the nearest town. There the children were educated in strict isolation, without contact with anyone, especially not with other children. They saw only their tutors, one English, one Swiss-French, one Swiss-German, one Hungarian; each tutor teaching one child a week in turn. Their father was bringing them up according to Rousseau’s precepts in Émile, which demand complete isolation from the hypocrisy and corruption of society. He also tried to emulate the education James Mill had given to his son, John Stuart Mill, and indeed to improve on it. Surprisingly, none of the children turned into an idiot, but they did turn out different and unusual.

之前听 Shinzen Young 在播客里面谈到他自己的成长经历,他年轻的时候醉心日本文化和禅学,在不断求学的过程中,一路追索到了印度文化,于是他父亲就给他找了一个梵文私人教师,听到这里的时候,我一下子感受到了犹太民族对于教育的理念,确实是遥遥领先于世界上的其他民族的,这种具备了经济基础和认知基础的教育理念,是其他民族需要学习的





Written by Marvin

Notebook for self-learning

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